Free embroidery transfers

Yay! Those three words make me so happy. And best of all I’m giving them, not taking them. I finally got around to sorting through my vintage patterns properly and I thought I should scan them since some are in less than ideal condition.Β  If you want more and are new to my blog they go with the 3 I blogged back in February when I first got the patterns. My scanner no longer scares me so today you get 7 patterns. I still have a few more small ones to scan at some stage so stick around for more later in the week. There’s also several really big ones and as soon as I can figure out how best to scan them (in sections maybe?) I will. They are pretty impressive.

Click on each one to go to my flickr photos where you can download the large size. And if you stitch any of them please let me know, I’d love to see it!

vintage embroidery transfer

vintage embroidery transfer

vintage embroidery transfer

vintage embroidery transfer

vintage embroidery transfer

vintage embroidery transfer

vintage embroidery transfer


Filed under embroidery, embroidery transfers, freebie

15 responses to “Free embroidery transfers

  1. Hurrah! Also 3 of my fave words…although 4 fave words are “free vintage embroidery transfers” hah.
    xx steph

  2. ps. i have lost your addy, and as such havent’ sent you your teatowel yet. argh!

  3. Wonderful how you share and tutorial are the greatest thank you so much!
    Love your blog wanted to tell you.
    hugs ginger (lovestodream)

  4. yay! thanks for posting these πŸ™‚

  5. Thank you for sharing these!

  6. Miss Steph, I gave you a “happiness award” over at my typepad blog. πŸ˜€

  7. one good apple

    Yay! Free stuff! Thank you for posting these, the third transfer is lovely, I can imagine the flowers gracing an old ladies pillow case (in the best possible way!)

  8. Great freebies – thanks so much! I always get inspired to start a new project when I see new patterns. Also – great blog, I’ll certainly be back!

  9. how lovely ! thanks !
    I want to try the first one (as soon as I refill my printer with ink) !!!

  10. CC

    How generous you are to share your patterns..I too love vintage things.. How sweet pillowcases will look when embroidered with these patterns..Thanks

  11. Ooohhh… These are lovely patterns! Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚

    And thanks for visiting my blog too. You should make some pretty blocks for yourself. I’m sure if you did something not quite so baby-ish, you could get away with displaying it in your living room. πŸ˜‰

  12. Thank you so much! It’s always nice to get gift we all love the tranfers.
    hugs ginger

  13. Adrianne

    I am so happy I found these today. I don’t embroider… yet. But these, who could resist?? Thank you for sharing!

  14. Diane McAuley

    I can’t tell you how much a greatly appreciate finding your site. I am disabled from a car wreck that broke my neck and back and prior to that diagnosed with a eye desease that eventually will leave me totally blind. But enough of a said tale. I’m trying to make heritage keepsake quilts for each of my grandkids (there are 4), my first attempt was rather gossey if you will but we learn by doing right. Sitting for long periods of time or getting my hands to work right is something of a challenge but I wanted very much to leave something my family will treasure and know where they came from. Anyway money being what it is and the econemy doesn’t leave many pennies so am pleased people like you are willing to share your great talent.
    Thank you so very much.

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