
My name is Steph, I’m 31 sn live in Wellington, New Zealand with my boyfriend Dave and our 2 cat babies. No, I don’t get out of the house nearly enough. I like to sew and crochet and like to pretend I can do both very skillfully. Currently my blog usually features my weight loss and infertility adventures.

You can email me at firechick1405 (at) gmail (dot) com.

10 responses to “About

  1. Hey! I’m a Steph too, married to a Dave. And like your Dave, he’s a computer guy and collects way too much shite, I mean, stuff. We have fur babies, and I *heart* sewing. My father-in-law calls me Persephone sometimes too. D’you think we are twins?
    (However I don’t want to be a mummy, always do up my fly, and can drive quite well.)
    Good luck with your Etsy shop!

  2. littlegemsession

    Your Etsy shop is looking great! Well done 🙂

  3. You are quite right! The Tramp is from Wellington. 🙂

  4. BeccaC

    I have been reading your blog which I found via other embroidery/craft blogs..
    And I just realized you’re a kiwi!
    I’m a expat in LA (and I still barely leave the flat)
    I feel like such a dork
    *hand to face*

  5. BB

    Hello, hope this reply is not too late! I have just started a bit of quilting and like you, was daunted by the cost of all the gear, but needed to get a rotary cutter and mat for the beginners class I enrolled for.

    I am in Auckland, so not sure if you have the equivalent in Welly, but initially I found a Sullivans brand rotary cutter at Ikes Emporium up here for about $18. It looks like the fancy Olfa ones. Replacement blades are about $8 (and I think you can use the Olfa ones with it, too).

    After I got that, I found at Spotlight a kit they do called “Quilter’s club” or something like that. Anyway, it is purple and for I think $44, it came with a cutting board, small rotary cutter (the smallest one, really best for only a couple of layers of fabric compared to the Sullivan’s one) and a 6×24″ inch ruler. You really need a good long ruler if you are going to start using a rotary cutter, not least to protect your hands. Anyway, I think Spotlight has 20% of all quilting supplies at present, so that might be an option to consider, as those things brought separately would be worth quite a lot more.

    Have to say, I am loving the rotary cutter. I’ve mainly used it for the quilting blocks we’ve done and can’t imagine doing those by scissors, not least cos I’m a lefty, and cutting straight lines with scissors has always been a challenge for me!!

    Good luck with it all!

  6. BB

    Sorry, meant to post above comment in reply to your sewing questions post, not here. Please feel free to delete!!

  7. Hi Steph, just dropping by your blog again. Is your new house still in Wellington, or did you move further afield? Do you sew clothes as well? I´ve just got back from Spotlight and I´m really surprised how much less stock they have this year. Last year I´d see lots of fabrics I wanted to sew, and this year I couldn´t see anything I liked. Do you know any good fabric stores in Wellington? Have you ever been to the Te Aro one? Cheers, Kerrie (Sew Chicken in Upper Hutt)

  8. Josie

    How about an update about your family? It’s been well over a year!

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