

I originally planned to wash all the baby clothes (and bibs…and blankets…and cloths…and nappies and god only knows how many other things that babies seem to ‘need’) from Christmas onwards since she isn’t due til the first days of February. But then I got too sore to walk in the summer heat…and well I got bored. It’s not much but hey, at least it’s keeping me off the couch and away from the DVDs just a little bit longer. And it’s such a simple pleasure but I do love looking at the colour hanging on the line. I guess babies add colour to your life in many different ways.


I had my first fortnightly visit to the midwife this morning and she confirmed my suspicion that the wriggler has dropped. Yay! And not only that but she’s head down and engaging 2/5 in the pelvis already. It certainly explains the hilarious waddle I developed on Saturday and the alarming feeling like a head is practically poking out between my legs. Anyway due to her excessive love of being upright for the whole pregnancy I had a fairly real concern that she’d be breech and that a c-section would be the order of the day. My mother said she’d come and stay for 2 weeks if that happened and I would be grateful for the help if I needed it but I’d also rather birth a 10lber through my nostril than have that need to happen so having her head engage as far as it has is VERY welcome news indeed! Clever girl!


Filed under pregnancy

7 responses to “Preparing

  1. It sounds silly but I am really looking forward to doing a few loads of Baby Washing! I can’t wait to see all the little onesies on the line 😀

  2. Love the bright colors! And yay for the good news 🙂

  3. Phil Giddens

    Love the pegs! Sheldon Cooper influence there just possibly?

  4. Jen

    WTG!!! love all the colours and those big bibs like the orange one are the best 🙂

  5. so sweet to see all the little baby things blowing in the breeze:)

  6. Leslie

    This time five years ago I had a baby girl- born 29.11.12- the day you posted this. Hard to credit looking at my school girl. What’s up, Steph? Keep us posted. 🙂

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