Looking back and looking forward

I had a feeling that I had finished nothing in 2010 – I certainly felt like I started a lot of things and finished none. As usual my fears were totally unjustified – I finished many things and some of them were actually pretty good too:

made in 2010

I starting writing a 2011 Goals list but it got longer and longer and frankly began to alarm me – so many things I could fail at! Rather than list every single thing to achieve this year I’ve picked 5 things that I’d like to do this year – I can do them at any stage during the year or not at all. They are all things I can start, stop and start again at any time. No pressure!

  1. Save money – I’m starting with my spare change because that’s about all my budget will cope with right now and if that works then the odd banknote might get saved too. Or not. Any money saved is better than no money saved.
  2. Start a vegetable garden – I planned that for the current summer but between a lack of money and learning the ways of our microclimate it didn’t happen. Planning for November 2011.
  3. Stop drinking soda. I switched from Coke to Coke Zero at the specialists advice to help lose weight but I feel like I’m essentially drinking poison. If I’m going to have a bun in my oven one day I’d like the oven to be fairly clean and in good working order.
  4. Implement the Flylady system to clean the house. I don’t have kids yet, how can two adults make a house so messy?
  5. Sell online. That’ll help #1.

There’s no pressure on me to do them – if I do them before the end of the year then yay for me but if I don’t then my life won’t have changed so it won’t be a loss to me. The crafty part of the ‘to do’ list remains however and it’s daunting to look at. I’ll share it next time but right now I have a pixie hat to dye.


Filed under home, mosaic love

3 responses to “Looking back and looking forward

  1. Jen

    hey you finished and sent one of your great crowns to Daniel 🙂

    Im doing a challenge 3 goals a month
    all the best with your goals

  2. glendasikes

    I’m curious to see your crafting-goals list; I always enjoy seeing what other people have listed (and invariably end up adding more to my list because of it [g]).

    Have fun with your veggie garden. Start small, if that’ll make it easier. We started small, then got bigger, then realized we actually prefer less variety so scaled back. Ordering seeds for this spring is on our to-do list for this month =).

    • Leslie

      I have many craft interests as well as a large garden but no children and my place is a sty! My one goal for the year is organization. Yes, I have many craft interests I want to delve further into, but in order to do them I must better organize. I mean, I can’t quilt when I can’t find my rotary cutter! My husband is just as bad. We are jointly accepting responsibilty for this problem at the same time realizing that we can’t totally change our personalities – does that make sense? We also went over our budget and found, through some careful references, someone to help clean house 1x per week. She has been a GODSEND. I get the warm fuzzies just thinking about her as she really needed the work so we are helping her and she is helping us. We cut back on some entertainment spending, and now we’re happier at home because of our helper (I CAN’T call her a maid!) Okay, I’ll stop my rambling now – LOL! I do go on, don’t I?

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